What’s Mine is Mine, What’s Yours is Mine. Haven’t you heard that statement before? We live in a world where everyone only thinks about themselves. Each and everyday people are becoming more and more distant from each other and the lack of care is slowly dwindling. We are living in a society where people only thinking about me, myself, and I. When is the last time you where sensitive to the feelings of others? When was the last time you Thought about how your actions affect other people?
In Philippians 2:4 (ESV)
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
If you want to be a more thoughtful and caring person, then you have to appreciate the people in your life. Be thankful and grateful for your family, friends, and significant others. Life becomes more meaningful and positive when the spotlight is not on you all the time.
Faith Action Steps
As a believer we are blessed to be a blessing. God has richly blessed us. Take out sometime today and go be a blessing in someone life. Take the spotlight off of you and shine it on someone else needs. Let the love of God come through you today. We are his hand and feet to this lost World.
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